Religious Innovation

Tom Thomas
1 min readNov 28, 2020

Although not typically associated with religion, what I learned today is the innovative aspect of religious behaviors. This can include anyone making fundamentally anything into what is practically a religion. People can act upon religiously associated behaviors with really anything, from aspects of pure fantasy to a philosophical counter culture, religion is a study that must understand new behaviors and how they’re religious as well.

I as a person who was brought up in a religious household understood new religion mostly as fangled behavior of the souless masses but now I suppose that could just be what all religion is. The question of legitimacy is not answered by the age of the religion.

I find it really interesting how people can make religious counter culture intentionally to distract from something, but it at the same time is tied down by philosophical under-pinnings justifying their actions.



Tom Thomas

Idk man I'm a college student. Probably shouldn't take anything I say too seriously.