
Tom Thomas
Nov 12, 2020

If I am totally honest, these discussions have followed me through my high school education and such as my school had a very prominent LGBTTQQIAAP community that was vocal and widely accepted. Because of this I am familiar with tolerance as a value that is encouraged and I generally agree.

This argument that basically tolerance is enough however I find to be incomplete in that if tolerance is the goal, there is inherently an intolerance of intolerance. I’m not quite sure if that’s moral or correct but it seems like the culture of tolerance is meant to quash the culture of intolerance. They may even be a good thing but who decided what to tolerate. For example in the LGBTTQQIAAP community, there have been some pushes to add pedophilia. Will we be tolerant of that? Good or not, it is certainly progressive in its ideology. Is that the goal? Furthermore I find to expect tolerance from all is unrealistic.

I would go so far as to say that tolerance is too great of a standard. For example I don’t care if a guy and his homophobic hillbilly friends want to go live on a hill and hate gays. So long as the aren’t propitiating violence, their choice of who to respect for whatever reason seems to me that it is nobody's to dictate except their own.

Maybe that isn’t right but I have distain for the immediate expectation of societal conformity.

I also suppose that is what interested me most from this lesson.



Tom Thomas

Idk man I'm a college student. Probably shouldn't take anything I say too seriously.